Senior Automation Engineer II


Global brands trust eGain knowledge management software to improve customer experience and reduce service cost by automating customer engagement and empowering employees. Top rated by Gartner, the eGain Knowledge Hub orchestrates AI and experts to deliver trusted answers to our client’s customers, agents, and field staff.

We dream big and sweat details. We are diverse, optimistic, and tenacious. We take pride in what we do but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. If work is fun for you, talk to us. We will not waste your time.


Location: Pune, India

Experience: 6+ years of experience

Job Summary

We are seeking a skilled Senior SDT with a minimum of 6 years of hands-on test automation experience using Nodejs test frameworks such as Cypress, Playwright, or any similar modern test tools. A deep understanding of testing methodologies and a commitment to high-quality software delivery is essential.


  • Design, develop, and maintain robust automated test scripts for UI at the component and unit level.
  • Expertise in UI test automation with Cypress, or Playwright – using component-level and unit-level tests and tracking via code coverage.
  • Implement automated API tests using Ready API, Rest Assured, or Postman.
  • Integrate automated tests into CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, GitHub Actions Circle CI, or any other similar tools.
  • Stay updated on industry trends and best practices for test automation and incorporate the same for continuous improvement.
  • Collaborate closely with software developers to implement component tests in parallel to development.

Education and Experience

  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science, Engineering, or related field.
  • 6+ years of experience in software development or software testing, with a focus on test automation.
  • Proficiency in programming languages JavaScript/Typescript, Java, and Python.
  • Strong proficiency in UI test automation using Cypress, Playwright, or any other similar multiple tools.
  • Demonstrated experience in automated server-side testing using API testing tools.
  • Experience working with AWS Services
  • Provision test environments using AWS cloud formation, and Docker containers will be a plus.
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills.

Our Hiring Process is “Easy with eGain”

Step 1: Written test (should take roughly 120 minutes of your time)

  • Aptitude section
  • Functional section

We will let you know within 2 business days of taking the test if you have progressed to the interview stage. The interview will be scheduled no later than 7 calendar days after the test.

Step 2: Panel interview (max 60 minutes)

Next Step

Email your resumé to [email protected] with the position title “Senior Automation Engineer II” in the email subject.

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