Automation Engineer II, QE


Global brands trust eGain knowledge management software to improve customer experience and reduce service cost by automating customer engagement and empowering employees. Top rated by Gartner, the eGain Knowledge Hub orchestrates AI and experts to deliver trusted answers to our client’s customers, agents, and field staff.

We dream big and sweat details. We are diverse, optimistic, and tenacious. We take pride in what we do but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. If work is fun for you, talk to us. We will not waste your time.


Location: Pune, India

Experience: 2-4 years of experience

Job Summary

QA team operates in a fast paced and agile environment in collaboration with the Product Development team, to ensure that developed products meet design specifications, are scalable and reliable and meet total quality management criteria and standards.


  • Understand the product; participate in requirement/design discussions, test case design and execution review, test report preparation.
  • Preparation of testing environment and resolving product related/technical queries of the team members.
  • Design and develop all aspects of automated testing along with creation, execution and maintenance of automated scripts, for browser & mobile based UI automation
  • Define and roll out Automation Best Practices, evaluate and implement new automation concepts, tools and techniques working closely with the QA manager, to make the automation simpler, faster and more reliable.
  • Develop in-house automation frameworks/tools and/or bring in open-source tools and technologies to solve automation problems.
  • Collaborate very closely with the development team for design understanding, defect fixes and collaborative testing.

Education and Experience

  • BE/B-Tech from reputed engineering schools.
  • Good understanding of QA processes, methodologies and best practices.
  • Good understanding of the test automation processes, practices, methodologies, tools & techniques.
  • At least 2 years of hands-on experience in the design and development of Automation frameworks and Automation Testing Strategies for Web and mobile platforms.
  • Experience Automation test tool/framework/related technologies: Selenium (Java), Jasmine, Karma, QTP, Ranorex, Jmeter etc.
  • Experience in testing of Web Services using Soap UI/Ready API, postman, Fitnesse (any other tool).
  • Strong knowledge in developing automated test scripts beyond record and playback like writing functions, using control flow logic, loops etc.
  • Experience with one or more scripting languages; Java, JavaScript, C#, VB Script, C++,
  • Experience creating and executing SQL queries
  • Good communication skills. Should be able to communicate well within and outside the organization.
  • Good interpersonal skills ability to work well in teams, and a character to appreciate others’ work.

Our Hiring Process is “Easy with eGain”

Step 1: Written test (should take roughly 120 minutes of your time)

  • Aptitude section
  • Functional section

We will let you know within 2 business days of taking the test if you have progressed to the interview stage. The interview will be scheduled no later than 7 calendar days after the test.

Step 2: Panel interview (max 60 minutes)

Next Step

Email your resumé to [email protected] with the position title “Automation Engineer II, QE” in the email subject.

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