Artificial Intelligence

We like “Artificial” when it comes to intelligence for customer service (no offense to all-natural aficionados!)

There’s no question Artificial Intelligence (AI) for business is red hot, and AI for customer service is white hot! It could understand customers through natural language processing and answer questions Virtual assistants or chatbots use natural language processing, an AI capability (a classic example is a chatbot or virtual assistant), make intelligent decisions through case-based reasoning—whether it is for precise routing of service requests, the next best step (action, content, offer, etc.) for service or sales, and the next mandated step for compliance with regulations or organizational best practice. AI startups are proliferating faster than Starbucks cafés, late-entrant CRM vendors are furiously cutting and pasting “AI” into their web pages, and others are touting big-iron AI that winds up answering a measly set of customer service queries at the end of multimillion dollar mega-projects. This is where eGain AI comes in!

We are the older, wiser, battle-tested, and yet agile pioneer (and not easily impressed) that has been in the customer engagement AI space for over 20 years. Like nobody else, we can get AI to generate quick business value for you in as few as 30 days with our one-of-a-kind, no-risk, no-commitment, production cloud pilot that we will guide to success free of charge. If we mutually decide to continue our partnership at that point, we will guide AI-enabled customer service transformation in your organization through agile value sprints.

Here are some stunning examples of ROI, unleashed by eGain’s AI-infused solution for customer service:

Want to go from zero to AI in 30 days at no risk and no cost? Talk to us today. While we recommend organic for Arugula, there’s nothing wrong with artificial when it comes to intelligence!

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OCT 29-30, 2024
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