Artificial Intelligence

AI Everywhere

AI is in the hype cycle at the moment. Ashu Roy, eGain CEO, and John Connors, Senior Director of Digital Transformation at eGain, believe that AI is not new, but it’s certainly in its hype cycle. John says, “I think it’s in its third hype cycle, and I say that because if you read literature,…

Knowledge management

Desperately seeking findability

I’m not a big fan of Madonna’s acting talent—I have not even seen any of her movies. However, I get reminded of one of her 80’s movies titled “Desperately Seeking” someone or the other when I see contact center agents or sales reps desperately trying to find answers with the time-constrained and often irate customer…

Knowledge management

Sorry, Kaplan and Norton, you need to invent an “unbalanced scorecard” for knowledge-powered contact centers!

We understand the need for tradeoffs in performance metrics to balance the proverbial scorecard. However, there are some technologies that transform business, creating value tides that lift all “metric boats”. Contact centers/customer service organizations are no exception—here, transformation means that the contact center doesn’t have to nickel and dime in value creation, figuring out tradeoffs…

Customer engagement

The Un-Conference for Digital Customer Engagement and Artificial Intelligence

eGain Digital+AI Day and 7-Up! When I think of our upcoming eGain Digital+AI Day, I’m reminded of the Seven-up Uncola commercials of yore. A perfect antidote to traditional conferences, this event is like no other: No hassle in and out of Chicago at the Hyatt Regency Hotel right next to the airport—you can even see the…

Customer experience

Getting out of summer doldrums

The CX doldrums Well, I read that autumn just began this week though I’m not so sure given the recent heat wave in the Bay Area! While the Northern Hemisphere might be inching its way out of summer doldrums, it appears that omnichannel customer service is not getting out of it, according to the recent…

Customer experience

Today’s Web Self-Service Creates Delight – For Masochists!

Leading furniture retailer Search: Sofa with foot-rest Answer: No results found. Were you looking for sofa with forest? Leading satellite TV operator Search: Blurred video Answer: No document matched your query….Try more general keywords. Search: Delayed image (same website as above) Answer: One page’s worth of completely irrelevant hits about packages, investor relations, policies, etc….

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