Agent experience

When it comes to customer experience, take a “whole-chain” approach for success

Businesses pay a lot of attention to their supply and demand chains as they make and take products to market – and for good reason. What they often forget is the experience chain, or how the experience of in-house or partner sales and service agents (including outsourcers) affects the end-customer experience.

Instead of taking a “whole-chain” (or holistic) approach to improving experiences, they fixate on and fix parts of the chain, only to fail or realize limited success from their experience initiatives.

Don’t get me wrong. Focusing on consumer experiences is a good thing. However, bad agent experiences often translate to poor customer service experiences and less-than-stellar sales, no matter how hard the business is trying to improve the end-customer experience.

With technologies such as video chat getting adopted increasingly by consumers, poor agent experiences have become transparent to end-customers—they can see, hear, and almost feel the agents’ frustrations!

As customer experience continues to become more and more important as a business differentiator, the hidden cost of poor agent experiences and a weak customer experience chain could be huge.

This white paper describes in great detail how you can apply a “cloning” strategy to improve contact center agent productivity and enhance customer experience. This approach will definitely get you started on a whole-chain journey.

If BPOs are part of your service and sales chain, read about BPO-enabled contact centers. A strong supply chain in tandem with a strong experience chain can be an unbeatable strength for your business!


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