Agent experience

Want to fix CX? Take Mark Felt’s (aka Deep Throat’s) timeless advice—follow the money pain!

Word from the horses’ mouths: Only 1% of companies deliver “excellent” customer service, per Forrester’s recent CX Index consumer research. The needle hasn’t moved for years and years. How can businesses address this?  I don’t mean to channel the sage advice “Deep Throat” dished out to Woodward and Bernstein—Follow the Money—but it is a logical approach to solving the problem. In fact, we have already done it for you. We (Forrester on our behalf) started by asking 5000 consumers what their biggest pain points in getting customer service were. Allowed to pick up to two options, this is what they said:

  • Different customer service agents give different answers (41%)
  • Customer service agents don’t know the answer (34%)
  • Can’t find answer on website (31%)

The next logical question was why agents were not able to deliver knowledgeable and consistent customer service. Again, instead of guessing, we posed the pain point question to over 2000 contact center agents “What created the biggest pain in answering questions/resolving problems/executing a service process, when you have a customer on the line”, and their top answers were almost a mirror image:

  • Finding the right answers to customer questions: 26%
  • Different systems/information sources give different answers: 25%
  • Hopping from one application/window to another: 20%
  • Hard to keep up with all the new information/changes I need to know about: 14%
  • Other issues: 15%

Looking under the covers, one can easily tell that the root cause of most of these issues is the lack of a robust, AI-guided, omnichannel knowledge management system, and easy, push-button access to it. In fact, agents think that a Solve Button™ is the next best thing to sliced bread with 35% of them in the above survey calling it a “stress buster” and 51% saying it would help them “significantly”!

Once again, here’s the good news. We have done the work for you—just read about next-gen knowledge management, our click-to-solve capability, and our easy consumption model for AI-infused knowledge (and in fact, any of our solutions.) We have followed and cured the pain for many Global 1000 companies. Now money follows these clients in the form of transformational ROI!  Do you want to be followed by money as well? Talk to us today!

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OCT 29-30, 2024
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