Customer Service Experience, the Most Emotional Part of CX
Emotional engagement holds the key to good customer service experiences
According to Forrester, emotion has a bigger impact on brand loyalty than effectiveness or ease in CX.
Given that customer service is charged with emotion, it poses the biggest challenge for the contact center to overcome. But it is also an opportunity to create enduring loyalty.
What drives positive emotion?
The analyst Forrester says that when customers feel “confident, respected, and valued,” they experience positive emotion.
How can contact centers create those feelings?
The answer lies in not only resolving the customer problem or helping the customer achieve their goal(s) effectively and efficiently but also creating the “Wow” effect.
The WOW effect?
The things that make customers go wow.
Proactive service offers based on context, Next Issue Avoidance (i.e., proactive customer service to preemptively avoid the next issue), value-added advice, knowledge parity across agents (“You can ask any one of us any question.” In other words, no pressing numbers 1 through 25 for routing!).
Positive emotions lead to loyalty and result in high scores in loyalty metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS).
Elite brands provided about 22 emotionally positive experiences for each negative one.
Bottom 5% of brands provided only two emotionally positive experiences for each negative one.
(Source: Forrester Research)
Improving the experience of customer service
What CX transformation looks like
Telco giant improves NPS by 30 points for customer service provided by 10,000 agents and associates from 600 retail stores.
Global bank ascends from #3 to #1 in NPS for customer service.
Best practices to get there
Excellent CX Doesn’t Have to be so Elusive
Tech support rage is “a thing” these days. (It’s eloquently described by a recent New York Times article). But what could be the reasons for this? We decided to find out by simply asking. The results form the basis of this best practice article.